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Rounds played: Total rounds played with app
Holes Played: Holes played with logged shots (total holes played)
Longest drive: Longest drive while logging shots (with Driver)
Average drive: Average drive while logging shots (with Driver)
Total putts: Total number of putts from all rounds played
Average putts: Average number of putts per hole
Scrambling: Percentage of scramble (chip and putt resulting in Spar
or better)
Sand Saves: Percentage of sand saves (bunker shot + 1 putt)
Fairway in regulation (FIR): Percentage of fairways hit (also missed
left and right of fairway)
Green in regulation (GIR): Percentage of greens hit according to Spar
Main Menu
Golf Bag
Template adjustments (set club distances according preset templates)
Gender and age: Preset club distance according to gender and age
Skill level: Preset club distance according to skill level
Distance unit: Distance in either Yards or Meters
Roll: Set roll percentage according to roll distance for each club
Custom adjustments (customize club distance to the exact distance you hit them)
In Use (toggle): Toggle on/off for clubs currently in your bag
Name: Set club name (example: W (wood), I (iron), H (hybrid)
Carry: Distance you carry each club in the air
Roll %: Percentage each club rolls after landing
Total: Total distance you hit each club (carry + roll)
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Player Preferences
Privacy Setting: Public - Visible on tracker map to all viewers
Friends - Visible on tracker map to friends
Private - Not visible on tracker map
Handicap: Set your current handicap
Golf ID (Sweden only): Link your golf ID
Distance unit: Set distance measurements to Yards or Meters
Distance to: Set distance to flag, center, or front of green
Point of interest filters
Enabled (toggle): Hide POI distance outside set range
Start range: Hide POI distance closer than this value
End range: Hide POI distance farther than this value
Golf bag preferences
Club setup: Set individual club distances (see also Golf bag)
Layup club: Set club to be auto suggested for layup shots
Chip shot club: Set club to be auto suggested for chip shots
Bunker save club: Set club to be auto suggested for bunker saves
Miscellaneous preferences
Shot registration (toggle): Enables logging shots during a round
Putt registration (toggle): Reminds you to log putts (if not logged)
Green super zoom (toggle): Auto zoom to log putts more accurately
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Manage Friends: Add friends, stay connected with their results
Booking: Round automatically created through a GIT booking
Activity List
Prepped: Round settings have been adjusted, round not yet started
In Play: Round currently in progress
Join a round: Select to join a round created by another player
Manage activity list: Swipe from right to delete a round from your
activity list (delete hides round from phone,
round is still saved within the player dashboard
and can be permanately deleted there