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Select after each hole to enter score and putts.  Also, mark score for other players in your group

Navigation Bar

Score Registration


Select to view score for yourself and players in your group for the entire round.  To change a score on a specific hole, press to select and change.  Red marks indicate score conflicts (different scores reported for a player).  Press red score to select and resolve conflict (see also Scorecard section)


Press camera symbol to view a detailed 3D flyover of the hole from tee to green.  Use this feature to see hole features and undulations


Course Overview:  Select to view map of course

Score Registration




Distance to Flag/COG


Round Summary:  Select to see round summary, info about the round,

share round with friends, option to close round if

done playing

Round Settings:  Select to change round settings

Statistics:  Select to see shot statistics for current round

Preferences:  Select to change personal preferences

Help Overlays:  Select to display help overlays on screen

Online Help (Tutorial):  Select to see full online help index

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